Where Strength and Size are the only goals

Posts tagged “squat suit

February 2015 – 6th March 2015

Took a week off after the Welsh Championships and now started the next 8 weeks training leading to the BPO British. Still trying to train with The Pembrokeshire Powerlifters where I can as I get more from the sessions than when I’m on my own, but training almost always has to fit around my work & family commitments. For the next 8 weeks at least I’m loosely following Wendlers 5/3/1 for Powerlifting, with the last deload week leading to the British.

Got in a couple of sessions before starting the 8 week plan, Deadlifts with the Pembs boys with Chiropractors Nightmares, Bench session up to 120kg x5 and 140kg x4 (equipped) and Squats up to 200kg x3 (equipped), then backed off to 180 x6 (equipped, straps down). Then began with 3’s week + equipped singles.

Deadlift up to 170kg x3, then a single at 182.5kg – Was supposed to pull 197.5kg as well, but just wasn’t up to it and form was breaking down so left it and chased up with Good Mornings, Bent Over Rows and some abs

Bench up to 125kg x4 (raw), then equipped 140kg x4, and 152.5kg x3 (Was only supposed to be a single but was feeling strong so went for it!) – followed up with DB Bench, Press-ups, Chest Supported Rows and Rear Raises

Squats up to 170kg x3, then equipped 195kg and 215kg – Then Leg Press, Glute/Ham Raises and Captains Chair Knee Raises


Chiropractors Nightmares 180kg x4

Squat 200kg x3, Squat 180kg x6, Squat 215kg

Bench 140kg x4, Bench 152.5kg x3


First Meet of 2015 – The BPO Welsh Open Championship

So, water loading worked well again but was much tougher this time as I’ve gained a little weight since the UK’s. Got down to 85kg by the weekend before so then started loading with 2 gallons a day for 4 days, then 1 gallon on Thursday and none at all Friday – I was a little worried Friday as still weighing over 84kg so fasted as well to make sure I wasn’t over!

Woke up starving on Saturday and felt like crap as hadn’t slept well (too damn hungry), but I knew once I’d weighed in I could smash the food down 😉 Drove over to Swansea and weighed in at a comfortable 81.3kg (could’ve had breakfast!) and then started eating!! Spent the day hydrating and eating and resting up ready for the meet.

Got there Sunday and felt good, I think I’d done a better job rehydrating than last time and was ready to lift. I was in the second flight this time so had plenty of time to warm-up and mobilise and opened easily with 180kg, followed up with 200kg, and then went for 215kg for third attempt. I got a red light for depth on the final attempt from one of the judges, but the other two were white so got the lift 2-1. Happy with squats as only 10kg off the World’s with a walkout and a competition PB.

Squat 180kg

Squat 200kg

Squat 215kg

Bench went just as well, no problems with my shoulder and feeling strong so opened with any easy 140kg, then a 150kg, but just couldn’t lock out 160kg. Not too disappointed, I’ve hit it in the gym, but that’s without having done 3 big squats first! Still hoping to hit double bodyweight (165kg) at The British Championship in 9 weeks and maybe more at the Europeans.

Bench 140kg

Bench 150kg

Bench 160kg (fail)

 Started warming up for deadlifts and despite struggling in training recently with Deadlifts I was feeling good, took a tally of my lifts and noticed I was at the same as I had been at the Worlds so I was going to have to hope to pull more than my current PB of 200kg in order to improve overall. Opened with 180kg, nice clean lift and then followed with 195kg. Decided to go for glory and attempt 205kg. Just about locked it out to get a PR, win my category and get a new competition best total of 570kg. Can’t really complain! Still aiming high and will be pushing hard to get my total into the 600’s for the Europeans 🙂

Deadlift 180kg

Deadlift 195kg

Deadlift 205kg

Training Log December 2014 – 9th February 2015

Been a while! Training going well again, no new injuries and my shoulder seems to be pretty much healed now so started getting my Bench back to previous levels.

I spent December practicing wider squats and sumo deadlifts, but to no avail as yet, wide squats are giving me pain in the hips so gone back to orthodox for now. Still practicing the Sumo Deadlifts to warm-up, and then again back to conventional for my maxes and at comps. I’m not confident enough yet to compete in Sumo style (that and the fact I can only pull about 90% of what I can with conventional pulls). I also tried out a new Bench Shirt as Coach doesn’t think I’m getting much out of the old one – I can’t get it on on my own so have only been able to use it a couple of times and couldn’t even touch my chest with 175kg on the bar! A bit more use and breaking in and I should get 180kg out of it 🙂


Wide Squat 140kg x8, 160kg x2, 160 x5

Squat 230kg

Sumo Deadlift 180kg

Bench 150kg (equipped) old shirt, 160kg breaking in new shirt, 175kg still no touch!

January has been a great month training-wise, although a bit of weight gain over christmas! Starting to get more from the equipment (suit & shirt) as I get used to it. My Bench is now back where it was pre-shoulder issues and I have pressed a 145kg RAW and 160kg in the old shirt so feeling confident for the upcoming Welsh Open Championships in February. Squat has held, worked up to a solid 200kg x3 and tried for the 500lb club (227.5kg) just after but I feel I was about a half inch high so will have to go for it again soon – I hit 230kg in January so confident I should hit it in comp after decent rest!. Deadlift remaining stagnant (as always!) and I will be happy to just pull my PR of 200kg at the upcoming meet.


Bench 145kg, Bench 160kg (equipped)

Squats multi ply 260kg x2, single ply 200kg x3 and 227.5kg

February – Current weight 85kg so a little over at the moment, I’m water loading again as I did for the UK’s to make weight. Worked out my openers last week and aiming to try and total more than I did at the world’s last year (565kg). I’m opening at 185/140/185 and going from there, hopefully around 220/160/195 or more which would make 575kg total. I’m hoping to hit the 600’s by the end of the year and plan to squat a quarter tonne in the Europeans in July. Well, that’s the goal anyway 😉 Hit an easy 150kg Bench for 2 reps and 140kg for 4 last week, Squats up to 210kg comfortably and Deadlifts up to 150kg for speed work.


Bench 140kg x4 (equipped) and 150 x2 (equipped)

Sorry, it’s been a crazy couple of months so I haven’t been posting recently. It will be back to usual again now with a weekly training log and some new articles on their way.

Sunday 26th October – Thursday 6th November 2014 (Meet Prep)

2 Weeks to the World’s

Week 7 – Just working on technique and some 60-70% sets. Shoulder playing up again, but not enough time to rehab, just going to have to get through it, doing some light mobility work and plenty of anti-inflammatories before training! I’ll dedicate some time to physio once the World’s are over. Weight still holding at 83kg  so confident I’ll make weight.

Bench/Deadlift – 5×5 sets with the Pembrokeshire Powerlifters working on speed

Squat/Bench/Deadlift (Full Powerlifting session) – worked up to an equipped 180kg Squat (still getting used to the suit so more practice is better!), an equipped 140kg Bench (went up easy) and a nice quick 160kg Deadlift

Full Powerlifting – 3 sets of 3 on each at 60%

Ready for the World’s now, can’t wait!

Sunday 19th October – Saturday 25th October 2014

3 Weeks to the World’s

Week 6 – Back to normal now and looking to get as much quality workouts in this week as I can, they will be my last heavy sessions before the meet. Weight is holding nicely at around 83kg so I will not need to cut this time which should hopefully translate to some better numbers on the platform. Just finalising all the details this week and looking forward to getting out there 🙂

Deadlift – Did some speed work with sets of 2 @ 157.5kg and minimal rest, assistance was some Defecit Deadlifts, Rack Pulls, Pulldowns, Barbell Shrugs, Farmers Walks and Chin-ups

Bench – Up to 125kg x2, then singles at 130kg and 135kg. Put on bench shirt and hit 150kg, 160kg and 165kg (?) chased it up with Pulldowns, DB Rear Raises & Chin-ups

Back/Shoulder Session – Pullovers, Viking Press, Chest Supported Plate Lever Rows, Wide Grip Pulldowns and Cable Reverse Flyes

Squat – Working out our openers and attempts. I worked up to 220kg again, much more comfortable in my suit now. I’ll be opening at 195kg, then 215kg, then 220kg+ depending how the last 2 felt!

Bench I’ll open at 155kg, then 160kg, then 165kg+ and Deadlift 190kg, 202.5kg and then 210kg+ – It’s only really my openers that will remain constant. The succeeding lifts will depend on how I’m feeling on the day but I’m hoping to get 9/9 lifts this time 😉


Bench 135kg (unequipped)

Bench 165kg (equipped)

Sunday 12th October – Saturday 18th October 2014

4 Weeks to the World’s

Week 5 – So, rough as dog Sun/Mon/Tues this week, nothing like a bit of D&V 😉 Felt low all week, and when I met up with the guys Saturday for squats I didn’t do too bad, but still wasn’t fully recovered and couldn’t push myself as hard as I would have liked.

Deadlift – worked up to 190kg x2, then singles at 195kg and 200kg – tried lifting in my squat suit as some people find it helps, but couldn’t get in the right position to pull, still managed to get 220kg over my knees but couldn’t lock out. Followed up with Pulldowns, Shrugs, Farmers Walks and Chin-ups

Bench – Up to 120kg x5, then Close-Grip Bench, Pause Bench, Pulldowns, Lat Raises & Chin-ups

Squat – Did some reverse band squats in the monolift with the Pembrokeshire Powerlifters, got up to 240kg, attempted 260kg but just didn’t have it in me and re-racked after a little half squat. Also being a bit of a minge with knee wraps pinching so going to have to ‘man up’ for the world’s!


Bench 120kg x5

Saturday 27th September – Friday 3rd October

6 Weeks to the Worlds

Week 3 – 531 week

Deadlift up to 160kg x5, then singles 187.5kg and 210kg (questionable form!) – Followed up with Lever Deadlifts, Ab Wheel and chins

Bench up to 115kg x7, then singles 120kg and 137.5kg (fail) – then equipped for 160kg – Then Close Grip Bench, Chins & Face Pulls

Squat up to 160kg x6, then singles at 170kg, 180kg and 190kg (fail) – Then Front Squats & Pause Squats

Dead Bench up to 110kg x7, then single at 130kg – Followed by Pendlay Rows, weighted Dips, Cable Reverse Flye, Pulldowns & Chins

Finished the week with a session with the Pembrokeshire Powerlifters and an equipped Squat & Bench session – Squats up to 210kg on the box, but couldn’t stop sitting on it so coach took it away and then I got a 220kg 🙂 – Bench up to 165kg, Also tried a few different shirts to see if it made a difference. Definitely prefer the Titan Katana, the Super Katana just didn’t feel right!

Changing up training a little, I’m not going to take a deload week as only got a few weeks of training left and will be taking a week off before the meet. Going to go back to 3’s again as per week 1


Deadlift 210kg

Bench 160kg

Dead Bench 110kg x7

Dead Bench 130kg

Pause Squat 125kg x5

Saturday 13th September – Friday 19th September 2014

– Been a bit of a crazy time since the meet, so website been a little ignored recently. Back up to speed again now so will be posting regularly again.

8 Weeks to the World’s! For my training leading up to it, I’ll be following Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 for Powerlifting with some customisation.

Week 1 – 3’s week with Heavy singles

Bench – Shirted up for the Bench after my 3’s and got up to 150kg. That’s up 15kg from the meet. Not bad for first time in a shirt! Did some assistance work, machine incline press, abs & rear delts

Deadlift – I don’t have a suit as yet so just did my 3’s and went for a couple of heavy singles and managed to pull 202.5kg (ugly as hell!) so again a PR of 2.5kg. Assistance was some Good Mornings, Ab wheel and chin-ups

Squat – Now the fun begins! After my 3’s and finally getting into the squat suit (ha ha), I went up to 200kg for 2, then my coach spurred me on to make 210kg. Best increase yet of 25kg on my meet PR .. could get used to this ‘geared’ lifting thing!

Bench/Board Press – On my own today so instead of board press I used Dead Bench to increase strength in the bottom of the lift up to 100kg x9 and then Rows, Dips, Curls and Rear Raises to finish

Box Squat 200kg x2 Link

Box Squat 210kg Link

Dead Bench 100kg x9 Link