Where Strength and Size are the only goals

Posts tagged “Deload

February 2015 – 6th March 2015

Took a week off after the Welsh Championships and now started the next 8 weeks training leading to the BPO British. Still trying to train with The Pembrokeshire Powerlifters where I can as I get more from the sessions than when I’m on my own, but training almost always has to fit around my work & family commitments. For the next 8 weeks at least I’m loosely following Wendlers 5/3/1 for Powerlifting, with the last deload week leading to the British.

Got in a couple of sessions before starting the 8 week plan, Deadlifts with the Pembs boys with Chiropractors Nightmares, Bench session up to 120kg x5 and 140kg x4 (equipped) and Squats up to 200kg x3 (equipped), then backed off to 180 x6 (equipped, straps down). Then began with 3’s week + equipped singles.

Deadlift up to 170kg x3, then a single at 182.5kg – Was supposed to pull 197.5kg as well, but just wasn’t up to it and form was breaking down so left it and chased up with Good Mornings, Bent Over Rows and some abs

Bench up to 125kg x4 (raw), then equipped 140kg x4, and 152.5kg x3 (Was only supposed to be a single but was feeling strong so went for it!) – followed up with DB Bench, Press-ups, Chest Supported Rows and Rear Raises

Squats up to 170kg x3, then equipped 195kg and 215kg – Then Leg Press, Glute/Ham Raises and Captains Chair Knee Raises


Chiropractors Nightmares 180kg x4

Squat 200kg x3, Squat 180kg x6, Squat 215kg

Bench 140kg x4, Bench 152.5kg x3


Monday 4th February 2013

Deload Week

Bench 50kg x5, 62.5kg x5, 75kg x5 – Superset with Face Pulls (8) x17x17

‘T’-Bar Row 40kg x5, 47.5kg x5, 55kg x5

Reverse-Grip Curl 20kg x5, 22.5kg x5, 27.5kg x5

Close-Grip Bench 50kg x5, 62.5kg x5, 75kg x5

Squat 67.5kg x5, 82.5kg x5, 100kg x5

Sunday 3rd February 2013

Deload week

As much as I try and shy away from a deload, I’m also well aware of the benefits so took a well overdue one!

Press 30kg x5, 37.5kg x5, 45kg x5
Pull-ups – 50 total throughout session
Bicep curls 20kg x5, 25kg x5, 30kg x5
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 45kg x5, 55kg x5, 65kg x5
Deadlift 67.5kg x5, 85kg x5, 102.5kg x5

Actually felt good to just work through the movements without maxing out – followed up with some shoulder prehab of 3×10 prone scarecrows with 4kg DB’s and some ab work.