Where Strength and Size are the only goals

Posts tagged “Good Morning

February 2015 – 6th March 2015

Took a week off after the Welsh Championships and now started the next 8 weeks training leading to the BPO British. Still trying to train with The Pembrokeshire Powerlifters where I can as I get more from the sessions than when I’m on my own, but training almost always has to fit around my work & family commitments. For the next 8 weeks at least I’m loosely following Wendlers 5/3/1 for Powerlifting, with the last deload week leading to the British.

Got in a couple of sessions before starting the 8 week plan, Deadlifts with the Pembs boys with Chiropractors Nightmares, Bench session up to 120kg x5 and 140kg x4 (equipped) and Squats up to 200kg x3 (equipped), then backed off to 180 x6 (equipped, straps down). Then began with 3’s week + equipped singles.

Deadlift up to 170kg x3, then a single at 182.5kg – Was supposed to pull 197.5kg as well, but just wasn’t up to it and form was breaking down so left it and chased up with Good Mornings, Bent Over Rows and some abs

Bench up to 125kg x4 (raw), then equipped 140kg x4, and 152.5kg x3 (Was only supposed to be a single but was feeling strong so went for it!) – followed up with DB Bench, Press-ups, Chest Supported Rows and Rear Raises

Squats up to 170kg x3, then equipped 195kg and 215kg – Then Leg Press, Glute/Ham Raises and Captains Chair Knee Raises


Chiropractors Nightmares 180kg x4

Squat 200kg x3, Squat 180kg x6, Squat 215kg

Bench 140kg x4, Bench 152.5kg x3


Saturday 13th September – Friday 19th September 2014

– Been a bit of a crazy time since the meet, so website been a little ignored recently. Back up to speed again now so will be posting regularly again.

8 Weeks to the World’s! For my training leading up to it, I’ll be following Jim Wendler’s 5/3/1 for Powerlifting with some customisation.

Week 1 – 3’s week with Heavy singles

Bench – Shirted up for the Bench after my 3’s and got up to 150kg. That’s up 15kg from the meet. Not bad for first time in a shirt! Did some assistance work, machine incline press, abs & rear delts

Deadlift – I don’t have a suit as yet so just did my 3’s and went for a couple of heavy singles and managed to pull 202.5kg (ugly as hell!) so again a PR of 2.5kg. Assistance was some Good Mornings, Ab wheel and chin-ups

Squat – Now the fun begins! After my 3’s and finally getting into the squat suit (ha ha), I went up to 200kg for 2, then my coach spurred me on to make 210kg. Best increase yet of 25kg on my meet PR .. could get used to this ‘geared’ lifting thing!

Bench/Board Press – On my own today so instead of board press I used Dead Bench to increase strength in the bottom of the lift up to 100kg x9 and then Rows, Dips, Curls and Rear Raises to finish

Box Squat 200kg x2 Link

Box Squat 210kg Link

Dead Bench 100kg x9 Link

Wednesday 2nd July 2014

Squat 130kg x5x5x5x5, 140kg x5

Good Mornings 50kg x10x10x8 (60s rest)

GHR (15kg on chest) x10x10x10x10 (superset with sit-ups)

Decline Sit-ups (15kg at arms length) x10x10x10x10 (superset with GHR)

Wednesday 25th June 2014

Another training session with Paul Murphy, today was Pause Box Squats, Stiff-legged Good Mornings and Bench

Pause Box Squat onto 12″ box 120kg x3, 130kg x3x3x3x3, 135kg x3

Box Squats onto 12″ box 165kg x3 (knee wraps)

Stiff Legged Good Mornings (dead stop on pins at the bottom) 40kg x3, 60kg x3x3, 70kg x5

Bench 80kg x5, 100kg x5, 120kg x4x4, 100kg x5 – Shoulder tendonitis playing up today, starting the ‘Fix My Shoulder Pain by Rick Kaselj’ ASAP, only got 10 weeks till the meet :-/

Monday 23rd June 2014

Deadlift 127.5kg x5, 145kg x3, 162.5kg x8

Good Mornings 45kg x10x10x10x10 (60s rest)

Bent Over Row 75kg x10x10x8, 70kg x8 – Lower back shot from last 2 movements, may replace these with T-Bar or Cable Row next session.

Lying Leg Curl (5) x11, (4) x11, (3) x11x10 (Superset with Ab Wheel) – Machine needs oiling, although added resistance was a challenge!

Ab Wheel x12x12x10x9 (Superset with Leg Curls)

Saturday 7th June 2014

Deadlift 140kg x5, 160kg x2, 180kg x1, 185kg x1, 190kg x1

Good Morning 40kg x10x10x10x10 (60s rest)

Yates Row 80kg x10x10x10x10 (30s)

Explosive Shrugs 130kg x40 (rest-pause in hang position) followed by DB Shrug & Hold 3 secs 42kg x10x10x8 (90s rest)

Seated Leg Curls 50kg x12, 45 x12x12, 40kg x12 (60s rest)

Ab Sling Knee to Elbows x12x12x12x12 (60s)

Saturday 4th January 2014

Happy New Year!

Deadlift 120kg x5, 130kg x5, 140kg x8

Good Morning 40kg x10x10x10x10 (60s rest)

T Bar Rows 50kg x10x10x10x10 (60s rest)

Lying Leg Curls (5) x12, (4) x12x12 superset with Ab Wheel x12x10x9

Reverse Grip Pulldown (12) x10x7, (1) x7, (10) x8 (30s rest)

Wednesday 16th October 2013

Seated Shoulder Press 62.5kg x5x5x9
Chins x16x14x11 (between press sets)
Dips x29x17x12 (60s rest)
Deadlift 172.5kg x2x2 (90s rest)
‘V’ Pulldown (14) x12x7x5 (60s)
Good Mornings 40kg x20x20 (60s)
Lying Leg Curl (5) x20x20 (60s)

Wednesday 13th March 2013

Press 55kg x3, 62.5kg x3, 70kg x8+1+1 RP followed up with 10kg DB Lat Raises x12

Deadlift 160kg x3x3x3 – Form a little better than last week, lower back still rounding a little on the pull but felt better overall.

Speed Deadlift 130kg x3x3x3

Power Shrugs 102.5kg x5x5x5

Reverse-Grip Pulldown (14) x5x5x5

Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 120kg x5x5x5

Bent Over Row 90kg x5x5x5

Arched back Good Mornings 75kg x5x5x5

Thursday 28th February 2013

Press 57.5kg x5, 65kg x3, 72.5kg x8+0+1 RP – Gone back to standing press to keep the progress going.

Deadlift 170kg x3 – Still not happy with technique when watching it back, going to keep plugging away at it!

Speed Deadlift 140kg x3x3x3x3x3x3

3 Circuits of Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 100kg, Bent Over Row 80kg, Reverse Grip Pulldown (10) and Good Mornings 50kg – 8 reps of each with 90 seconds/60secs/30secs (less each round) rest between exercises and 2 minutes rest after each circuit.

Thursday 21st February 2013

Really cold at the gym today, struggled to warm-up (the bars were freezing!) and I think my Press really suffered for it. Either that or just a bad session 😦

Seated Press 53.5kg x3, 61kg x3, 68.5kg x7+1+1 RP followed with 7.5kg DB lat raises x16

Deadlift 160kg x3 (was supposed to be 2, but first rep didn’t feel right so did another on the end instead)

Speed Deadlift 130kg x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 (60s rest)

3 Circuits of Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 75kg, Bent Over Row 75kg, Reverse Grip Pulldown (10) and Good Mornings 50kg – 8 reps of each with 30-60 seconds between exercises and 30-60s rest after each circuit.

Thursday 14th February 2013

Seated Press 50kg x5, 57.5kg x5, 65kg x9+2+1 RP then 5kg DB Lateral Raises x20

The rest of the session was Deadlift & Back focus derived from Ed Coan’s programming. I’ll be doing this every other session for the next 7 weeks with the aim to hit 200kg at the end of the cycle. The alternate session will remain pretty much as it was previously.

Deadlift 150kg x2

Speed Deadlift 120kg x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 – 90s rest between sets

Circuit of Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 70kg, Bent Over Row 70kg, Reverse Grip Pulldown (10) and Good Mornings 50kg – 8 reps of each with 30 seconds between exercises and 2 mins rest after each circuit.

Tuesday 20th November 2012

EZ Curl 30kg x15+4+3RP

DB Hammers 12.5kg x10

Leg Press Toe Press 110kg x10

Good Mornings 35kg x20+9+7RP

Hack Squat 120kg x6, 103.5kg x20

Had some time to waste so threw in:

‘V’ pulldown to chest (level 10) x10+4+3RP

Dips (unweighted) x20x13 (60s rest)