Where Strength and Size are the only goals

Archive for July, 2014

Tuesday 29th July 2014

Took a week off for holiday, so repeated last session:

Bench (Speed)

Competition Bench (wide grip) 92.5kg x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 (60-90s rest)

Close Grip Bench 85kg x5x5 (60s)

Pause Bench (1″ off chest) 85kg x8x8x8 (60s)

Pulldowns (9) x15x14, (8) x10x9 (superset with lat raise)

DB Lat Raise 12.5kg x10x10, 10kg x10 (superset with pulldowns)

Chin-ups x7x7x5 (60s)

Struggled a bit with assistance work but happy overall, weight still coming down slowly as planned and so far strength doesn’t seem to have taken a hit 😉

Week 4 – Current weight 85.8kg

Monday 21st July 2014

Bench (Speed)

Competition Bench (wide grip) 92.5kg x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 (60-90s rest)

Close Grip Bench 85kg x5x5 (60s)

Pause Bench (1″ off chest) 85kg x8x8x7 (60s)

Pulldowns (9) x15x15x14, (8) x12 (superset with lat raise)

DB Lat Raise 12.5kg x10x10, 10kg x10 (superset with pulldowns)

Chin-ups x10x8x8 (60s)

Saturday 19th July 2014

Deadlift (Reps)

Deadlift 132.5kg x10 (no belt)x8 (belt) x7 (belt) (90 secs rest)

Rack Pull (Belt, from just below knee) 180kg x3x2 (90s rest)

2″ Defecit Deadlift 125kg x10x7x7 (90s)

Lat Pulldown 70kg x15x12 60kg x11, 50kg x12 (60s rest)

BB Shrug (straps) 130kg x10, 120kgx10x10 (60s)

DB Farmers Walk 34kg x30secs x30s x25s

Chin-ups x11x9x7 (60s)

Disappointed with todays session, bar felt really heavy and struggled with the Rack Pull – More sleep and more food needed!

Week 3 – Current weight 87.2kg

Wednesday 17th July 2014

Squat (Reps)

Squat (belt) 127.5kg x11x8x6 (90 secs rest)

Front Squat (belt) 97.5kg x5x5 (90s rest)

Pause Box Squat (belt) 117.5kg x8x5x6 (2 mins rest)

Farmers Walk 40kg DB’s x35 secs x35 secs x25 secs (60s rest)

Lying Leg Curl (4) x15x12, (3) x12 (60s)

Chins x13x10x8 (60s)

Bit tired from a poor nights sleep and squat was a bit sloppy so lower back took a beating – By the pause squats it was too much so eased off on reps on last two sets.

The Problem With ‘Exercise Science’

By Mark Rippetoe 


Here’s what you need to know…

•  Most university-level programs do not equip their graduates to function beyond the commercial gym pin-setter level.

•  Barbell training, the most basic and effective method for improving strength and conditioning, is either not taught in most programs or so poorly taught that it leaves students unable to get real results with their clients and athletes.

•  Many studies that make it into the hallowed “Literature” draw conclusions based on unrealistic, silly methodology and puny weights. It’s clear the “exercise scientists” conducting these studies do not use barbells beyond a novice level, if at all.

•  To get a real education, study a “hard” science, plan for much self-education, compete in your field of interest, and coach lots of other people… for years on end.

Read more here

Monday 14th July 2014

Bench (Max)

Competition Bench (wide grip) 115kg x2x2x2x2x5 (2 mins rest)

Close Grip Bench 105kg x5x6x6 (2 mins)

Pause Bench (1″ off chest) 107.5kg x5x4 (2 mins)

Pulldowns (9) x15x15x13, (8) x13 (superset with lat raise)

DB Lat Raise 12kg x10, 10kg x10x10 (superset with pulldowns)

Chin-ups x11x7x6 (60s)

Saturday 12th July 2014

Deadlift (Speed)

Deadlift 125kg x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 (60-90s rest)

Rack Pull (Belt, from just below knee) 175kg x5x5 (2 mins rest)

2″ Defecit Deadlift 115kg x8x8x8 (90s)

Lat Pulldown 70kg x15, 60kg x15x14, 50kg x15 (60s rest)

DB Shrug (straps) 50kg x10x10x10 (60s)

DB Farmers Walk 42kg x20secs, 38kg x20s, 34kg x20s

Chin-ups x11x8x7 (60s)

Week 2 – Current weight 88.4kg

Wednesday 9th July 2014

Squat (Speed)

Squat (no belt) 117.5kg x3x3x3x3x3x3x3x3 (60-90 secs rest)

Front Squat (belt) 110kg x4, 100kg x5 (2 mins rest)

Pause Box Squat (belt) 107.5kg x8x8x8 (90 secs rest)

Farmers Walk 35kg DB’s x45 secs x30 secs x30 secs (60s rest)

Lying Leg Curl (4) x15x14, (3) x13 (60s)

Chins x12x9x7 (60s)

Looking to Gain Muscle? Read this now!!!

A very good friend of mine, workmate and my original inspiration when I started training has recently published this: The Skinny Guys Guide To Building Muscle by Pete Stables. I couldn’t recommend this more to anyone looking to gain muscle, skinny or not! He also runs a site http://www.southpawpower.com and has been my go-to-guy when it comes to nutrition as far back as I can remember. For less than the price of a take-out, you will have all the knowledge you need to start packing on lean muscle and gaining strength, what are you still reading this for? click on the link! 🙂

Monday 7th July 2014

Bench (Reps)

Competition Bench (wide grip) 100kg x10x8x8 (90s rest)

Close Grip Bench 107.5kg x5x4x5 (90s)

Pause Bench (1″ off chest) 92.5kg x8x8x6 (2 mins)

Pulldowns (9) x15x15x12, (8) x11 (superset with lat raise)

DB Lat Raise 10kg x10x10x10 (superset with pulldowns)

Chin-ups x10x8x7 (60s)

Friday 4th July 2014

Started a new wave of training to lead me up to the meet in September as advised by my coach – World Champion Paul Murphy – He has also advised I enter at 82.5kg instead of 90kg so going to have to drop a bit of weight! The program has hints of Westside training about it, with max, speed and reps days. It starts with Deadlift:

Deadlift (max)

Deadlift 160kg x2x2x2x2x5 (approx 2 mins rest)

Rack Pull (from knee) 187.5kg x3x3 (2 mins)

2″ Defecit Deadlift 127.5kg x6x6 (2 mins)

Lat Pulldown (10) x15, (9) x13, (8) x14x11 (60s rest)

BB Shrug 140kg x9, 130kg x10x10 (60s)

Chin-ups x10x9x8 (60s)

Bit of a change to what I’m used to! A lot more volume so found the assistance harder than usual but overall felt good! Bench next session 🙂

Week 1 – Current weight 90.4kg

Wednesday 2nd July 2014

Squat 130kg x5x5x5x5, 140kg x5

Good Mornings 50kg x10x10x8 (60s rest)

GHR (15kg on chest) x10x10x10x10 (superset with sit-ups)

Decline Sit-ups (15kg at arms length) x10x10x10x10 (superset with GHR)