Where Strength and Size are the only goals

Archive for August, 2014

Friday 22nd August 2014

Bench (Max)

Bench Press 127.5kg x2, 130kg x1, 135kg x1+1 RP (90s rest)

Bench Press 115kg x5 (back off set)

Lat Pulldowns (V Grip) (10) x15x12 (9) x11x9 (superset with lat raise)

DB Lat Raise 12.5kg x10, 10kg x10x10 (superset)

Chins x8x7x6 (60s)

Wednesday 20th August 2014

Deadlift (speed)

Deadlift 142.5kg x2x2x2x2 (belted) x2 (raw) – (30-60s rest)

Rack Pull 177.5kg x4x3x2 (30-60s)

2″ Defecit Deadlift 135kg x6 (raw) x5 (belted) (30-60s)

Lat Pulldowns (10) x15x15 (9) x12x10 (60s)

BB Shrugs 130kg x10x10x10

DB Farmers Walk 45kg x25secs, 40kg x25s x25s

Week 8 – Current weight 84.3kg

Monday 18th August 2014

Squat (speed)

Squat 135kg x2x2x2x2x2 (30-60s rest)

Front Squat (belt) 105kg x3x3x3 (60s)

Pause Squat (belt) 127.5kg x3x3x3 (60s)

DB Farmers Walk 40kg x35 secs x 35 secs x 21 secs

Lying Leg Curl (4) x15x14, (3) x15

Chins x10x8x7 (superset with leg curls)

Friday 15th August 2014

Bench (reps)

Bench Press 122.5kg x5x5x5 (2 mins rest)

Close-Grip Bench 110kg x2x2 (90s)

Pause Bench (1″ off chest) 115kg x4x4x3 (2 mins)

Lat Pulldowns (10) x15, (9) x13, (8) x12x11 (90s)

DB Lat Raise 12.5kg x10, 10kg x10x10 (superset with pulldowns)

Chins x7x6x6 (60s)

Wednesday 13th August 2014

A little over 3 weeks to go, had a little time off recently due to illness but now all OK and starting to pyramid down training towards the meet.

Deadlift (max)

Deadlift 170kg x2 (2mins rest), 175kg x1, (2 mins), 180kg x2 (2 mins), 152.5kg x8

Lat Pulldowns (9) x15x15x15x11  (60s)

Shrugs 120kg x10x10x10 (60s)

DB Farmers Walk 40kg x35 secs x32 secs x 21 secs

Chins x12x9x7

Saturday 9th August 2014

Deadlift (Speed)

Deadlift 135kg x2x2x2x2x2x2 (30-60s rest)

Rack Pull 165kg x5x5 (30-60s)

2″ Defecit Deadlift 125kg x6x5 (60s)

Lat Pulldown 70kg x15x11, 60kg x11x10 (60s)

DB Shrugs 50kg x8x6x5 (60s)

DB Farmers Walk (34kg) x30s x30s x30s (60s)

Chins x8x6x5 (60s)

Week 6 – Current Weight 85kg

Friday 8th August 2014

Squat (Speed)

Squat 127.5kg x2x2x2x2x2x2 (60s rest)

Front Squat 97.5kg x5x5 (60s)

Pause Squat (belt) 117.5kg x8x8 (90s)

DB Farmers Walk 40kg x35s x35s x30s

Lying Leg Curl (4) x15x13 (3) x15 (superset with chins)

Chins x11x8x7 (superset with leg curls)

Wednesday 6th August 2014

Bench (Reps)

Competition Bench (Wide Grip) 115kg x6x5x4 (90s rest)

Close Grip Bench 105kg x3x3x3 (90s)

Pause Bench (1″ off chest) 107.5kg x6x4 (90s)

Pulldowns (9) x15x15x13x12 (superset with lat raise)

DB Lat Raise 10kg x12x12x12 (superset with pulldowns)

Chin-ups x7x6x5 (60s)

Monday 4th August 2014

Deadlift (Max)

Deadlift 162.5kg x2x2x2 (2 mins rest)

Rack Pull (Beltless, from just below knee) 197.5kg x2x2 (2 mins rest)

2″ Defecit Deadlift 152.5kg x4x5 (2 mins)

Lat Pulldown (9) x15x15x12x11 (60s rest)

BB Shrug 100kg x10x10x10 (60s)

DB Farmers Walk 40kg x35secs x35s x30s (60s)

Chin-ups x12x8x7 (60s)

Week 5 – Current weight 85.3kg

Nailing The Overhead Press by Paul Carter

Christian-overhead-pressNailing the overhead press originally published on T-Nation by Paul Carter

Here’s what you need to know…

•  Using a thumbless grip on overhead pressing allows for a better path of the bar by bringing it in closer to the centerline of the body. It’s also easier on the shoulders and wrists.

•  Start with a shoulder-width grip. As a visual cue, rotate your hands back towards your delts. If your thumb grazes the outside of them, you’ve got it right.

•  Contract your glutes, abs, and quads when you press. The more tension you have throughout the body, the stronger you’ll be.

•  Activate the biceps on the eccentric portion of the press. When you lower the bar, think about doing a sort of hammer curl towards your face/ears.

•  Press with a purpose. That means press with violence and hate. Try to think about throwing it through the ceiling.


Lots of guys these days shit on any form of seated press, but I’m not sure why. The entire purpose of pressing overhead is simply to build bigger and stronger shoulders. Whether you’re seated or standing doesn’t really matter unless you’re a competitive strongman and … (read more here)

Thursday 31st July 2014

Squat (Max)

Squat 145kg x2x2x2 (belt)x2x2 (up to 2 mins rest)

Front Squat 110kg x3 (belt)x3 (up to 2 mins)

Pause Box Squat (belt) 135kg x4x4x4 (up to 2 mins)

Farmers Walk 40kg DB’s x35 secs x35 secs x30 secs (60s)

Lying Leg Curl (4) x15x11, (3) x13 (superset with chins)

Chins x11x8x6 (superset with leg curl)