Where Strength and Size are the only goals

Archive for December, 2013

Saturday 28th December 2013

DB Pullover 46kg x12x9 (2 mins rest)

V Grip Pulldown 70kg x10x10x8, 60kg x10x10 (90s)

DB Row 38kg x10x10x10x10x10

Seated Cable Row (V Grip) 60kg x12x12x12x12x12 (30s)

Post christmas back session, struggled after a week off! – just ticking over for next few days, then new regime for January

Monday 23rd December 2013

Squat 100kg x8, 120kg x6, 140kg x3, 150kg x2, 160kg x2 – then dropped to 100kg x20 (60 secs rest)

Machine Lever Deadlift 200kg x6x6x6, superset with Viking Press 80kg x6x6x5 (30s between each set)

Hanging Knees-to-elbows x10x10

Glute-Ham-Raise x10x10x10, superset with Captains Chair Leg Raises x10x10x10

Saturday 21st December 2013

Close-Grip Bench 100kg x5x5x14, then 80kg x8 (60s rest) – Superset with Neutral Grip Chins x15x11x7

DB Bench (Hammer Grip) 25kg x10x10x10x10x10, superset with

Machine Lever Row 60kg x12x12x12x12x11 – minimal rest between sets

Tricep Pushdown (5) x100 (few sets/rest as possible)

Facepulls (4) x100

Tried out close-grip to see how shoulder was and felt ok so I’m going to stick with it for now – Just happy to be benching again!

Wednesday 18th December 2013

DB Pullover 42.5kg x12x11 (90s rest)

Weighted Chins 24kg x7x6 (2 mins rest), followed by V Grip Pulldown (12) x13x6x4 (60s)

Rack Pull 160kg x8 (pins at knees)

Viking Press 70kg x12x6x4 (60s)

Cable Row 70kg x13x11x9x8 (60s)

 Shrugs 120kg x13x11x9 (90s), then 45kg DB’s x14

Bent Over Reverse Flye 10kg x14x14x12(60s)

Tuesday 17th December 2013

SPIN and DB Stiff-Legged Deadlift 34kg x10x10x10x10 (60s rest)

Saturday 14th December 2013

Deadlift 140kg x3x3x3x3x3x3 (90s rest)

DB Bench 20kg x20, 25kg x20x20x20x20 (between deadlifts)

Weighted Chins 24kg x7, 20kg x7 followed with V Grip Pulldown (12) x12+4+3 (rest pause)

T Bar Row 60kg x20x15x12 (60s)

Friday 13th December 2013

SPIN and DB Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 30kg x10x10x10x10 (60s rest)

Thursday 12th December 2013


Wednesday 11th December 2013

DB Pullover 42.5kg x12, 40kg x12 (2 mins rest)

Weighted Chins 24kg x6+1 (2 mins), 20kg x6+1 then V Grip Pulldown (setting 12) x11, (10) x10, (8) x11 (60s rest)

Deadlift 140kg x9

Cable Row (Cambered D Handle) 70kg x12x10, 60kg x10x8 (60s rest)

Shrugs 120kg x10x10x9 (60s), then 40kg DB’s x20

Prone Incline DB Reverse Flye 7.5kg x18x16x13


Tuesday 10th December 2013

Spin and DB Stiff-Legged Deadlifts 28kg x10x10x10x10 (60s rest)

Frequency method – Body Rows & Press-ups, 15 reps of each for seven sets

Monday 9th December 2013

Frequency method – Body Rows & Press-ups, 15 reps of each for seven sets. Opting for body rows instead of chins at the moment to help strengthen rear delts and minimise irritation in the shoulder. As I’m only getting into the gym twice a week at best, during December at least, I will be aiming to do frequency sets 4-5 days a week.

Saturday 7th December & Sunday 8th December 2013

On a Concept 2 rowing course so didn’t get any lifting done – bit of rotator cuff work with a band in spare time

Thursday 5th December 2013

SPIN – rotator cuff work & frequency chins

Wednesday 4th December 2013

DB Pullover 40kg x12x12 (2 mins rest)

Weighted Chins 24kg x6, 20kg x6 (2 mins), followed up with V Grip Pulldowns (12) x10, (11) x9, (10) x9, (9) x8 (60s rest)

Cable Row (V Grip) 70kg x15x10, 60kg x11x10 (60s rest)

DB Row 30kg x20 (each side)

Rack Pull 140kg x14 (Pins at knee height)

Barbell Shrugs 100kg x10x10x10 (60s rest), then 30kg DB Shrugs x25

Reverse Flye (2) x12x10, single arm Rev. Flye (2) x12 each side

Ab work

Tuesday 3rd December 2013

SPIN and DB Stiff Legged Deadlifts 26kg x10x10x10 (60s rest)

Thursday 28th November 2013


After last Bench session, shoulder has inflamed again! tendonitis in left shoulder. Pretty sure it’s due to the fact I’m only training twice a week at present so putting too much emphasis on the main lifts and not enough on the additional work. 

I’m going to take the rest of December to rehab the shoulders and strengthen posterior chain (still working on those deadlifts!) so a big focus on back/rotator cuff/scapular control and whilst I’m at it, some glute/hamstring strengthening as well.