Where Strength and Size are the only goals

Posts tagged “Cable Twist

Thursday 8th August 2013

Ab Sling Straight Leg Raise x10x10x10 (60s rest)
Cable Twists 15kg x12x12x12 (no rest between sides, 30s between sets
DB Windmills 20kg x10x10 (60s)
Weighted Crunch (behind head) 20kg x20x15x10x10

Tried benching but still twanging the shoulder, windmills did a little too so dropped weight from last week. Looks like I’m stuck doing back and legs for a while! What a shame! Ha ha

Wednesday 10th July 2013

DB Pullover 46kg x11x9 (2 mins rest) – Repeated weight from last session, but slowed the eccentric (lowering), focusing on using the Lats as much as possible to avoid it becoming a tricep extension.

Wide-Grip Pulldown 70kg x8, 60kg x10 (2 mins rest) – same as above, slower eccentric.

DB Row To Hip 30kg x12x12 (90s rest) – Technique a bit sloppy on left arm so starting on that side and matching the reps on my right.

– After each set of the above 3 exercises, did oblique hanging knee raises x10 alternating sides to total 30 on each side

Smith Rack Pull 150kg x6 – Went back to doing these heavy, again focus on technique. Still locking out with lower back instead of hips, but getting better!

Prone Rear DB Flye 7kg x15x15x15 (60s rest)

Standing Cable Twist (obliques) 10kg x15x15x15 – alternating sides, no rest, one side straight to another.

Thursday 4th April 2013

Did a little 30 minute ab session with a member – 3 sets of 15 reps each, resting as long as it takes the other person to perform reps:

10kg Cable Twists, 16kg Seated KB Twists, 24kg KB Side Bends, Ab Sling Knees-To-Elbows, 16kg KB Crunches, Toe Touches